Charter Rode Wallet
Wallet Balance
Your Charter Rode Wallet keeps track of your current balance of CRT (Charter Rode Token) from exchanges you have made in the past via secure credit card transactions. For the average sailor, less than $25.00 USD per year will secure all your sailing experience and build your Trusted Sailing Resume on Charter Rode. Pay only for the experience you log. No subscriptions, no hassle.

- All transaction processing, verification, and public blockchain confirmation fees are paid in Charter Rode Token (CRT).
- Current exchange rate is 1 CRT = $1.00 USD.
- Minimum exchange to fund wallet is 25 CRT.
- Wallet funding is one-way. You cannot exchange CRT for any currency or use it outside of Charter Rode.
- Each logbook entry processed (no verification) = 1 CRT per day logged.
- Verify logbook entry with Charter Company - 7 CRT per charter trip, plus the processing fee of 1 CRT per day logged.
- Crewmate verification of logbook entry - no charge for verification just pay the processing fee of 1 CRT per day logged.
- One-time identity verification - 49 CRT, waived for new accounts invited by existing verified accounts with use of qualifying ID Voucher Code.
- One-time identity verification processing - 1 CRT to process and commit your identity on Charter Rode.
- Qualifying certifications and licenses are always complimentary, no verification or processing fees.
To add funds to your wallet, follow the on-screen instructions to select the amount of CRT you wish to fund to your wallet. You will be asked to complete a secure credit card transaction. All CRT Exchanges are via secure one-time credit card payments. An additional 4% fee applies to all CRT Exchanges to offset fees charged by our payment gateway provider.
Charter Rode Fees Examples
Example 1: You go out and sail for the afternoon and log 5 hours and 15 nm. You take along a buddy as crew who happens to already have a verified Charter Rode account. You get back to the dock, add a new logbook entry for your afternoon trip. You ask your buddy to verify the entry using the crewmate verification process. The total fee for your logbook entry would be 1 CRT.
Example 2: You and your family charter a beautiful 45′ catamaran in the Virgin Islands for 10 days. You have an amazing trip and enjoy those painkillers at anchor. One of the nights is a full moon and you go out for a night-time sail for four hours. All other sailing is done during daylight hours. When you get home, you log your trip as 10 days and one night. You select the Charter Rode verification option to verify your trip with the charter company. Your total fee for this entry would be 18 CRT. 11 CRT for the trip (10 days + 1 night) and 7 CRT for charter company verification.
Example 3: You decide to take a class from a certified American Sailing Association (ASA) instructor to get your ASA 104, Bareboat Cruising certification. You complete the class and your instructor signs your ASA logbook. In a few weeks you get your official ASA sticker for your ASA logbook. You log your new certification on Charter Rode. Charter Rode verifies your new certification with ASA directly and then your new certification is confirmed on Charter Rode. The total fee for your logbook entry would be 0 CRT as all qualifying certifications and licenses are always complimentary.
Charter Rode Keys
Other than storing your CRT to pay for transaction fees, the primary purpose of your Charter Rode Wallet is to securely store your Charter Rode Keys. There are three Charter Rode keys:

- Sailor ID - Your Charter Rode Sailor ID is your globally unique identifier on Charter Rode. It is a shorter key than your public encryption key that may be used to identify yourself and all transactions that you are a part of on Charter Rode. Feel free to share this ID with anyone that you would like to lookup your resume on Charter Rode, such as charter companies. Learn how to share your Trusted Sailing Resume with others.
- Public Key - Your public encryption key and private encryption key are used to create a digital signature for every transaction that you initiate or verify on Charter Rode. This public key is safe to share with anyone that is requesting your public key for identity verification on Charter Rode. Note that your public key is converted to a more compact format (base64 encoding) on Charter Rode.
- Private Key - NEVER SHARE YOUR PRIVATE KEY! Charter Rode will NEVER ask for your private key. Your private key is securely stored using military grade encryption both in transit and at rest by Charter Rode with redundant backups for disaster recovery. Your private key is used during the signing process of each transaction so that anyone in the world that has your public key can verify that you signed a transaction as either the creator of the transaction or as the verification authority in the case of crewmate verifications.
Change Password
Whenever you need to change your password, ensure that you are the only one with access to your email account that you used when setting you your Charter Rode account. Then, follow these steps:

- Navigate to your Charter Rode Wallet.
- Select Change Password.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to change your password.
- Keep your password secure and safe, don't share with anyone.
Wallet Transaction History
Here you may review all the transaction history of CRT (Charter Rode Token) debits and credits from your wallet.

- Navigate to your Charter Rode Wallet.
- Select Wallet Transaction Fees.
- Review the details of each transaction. Transactions are either debits (fees) or credits (funding events).